Christmas, 1989

Dear Friends,

The year 1989 has proven to be an eventful one, beginning in February when Ellen became pregnant. However, the fetus never really developed, and a miscarriage occurred in April.

Later that same month, we ended our long search for a building lot with the purchase of a 1 1/2 acre tract in Thornhill. That meant it was time to begin the design of our new home.

In late May, brother Peter (now Dr. Congiundi, D. D. S.) arrived for a short visit. It was golf, golf, and more golf. Peter proved that he has long surpassed his brother in playing ability, although I did manage my first birdie in over twenty years!

In June, it was off to an Instrumentation Conference put on by Honeywell in Phoenix, AZ. This was an ideal time to be accompanied by Ellen, whose mother and step-father live in Scottsdale. We spent several extra days with them enjoying the wonderful atmosphere in the Arizona desert.

July saw us take a driving vacation up north. We left right after Tropical Storm Allison delivered almost two weeks of deluge-style rain, bringing some Houston bayous to record heights. Heading northward, we alternately passed through the storm and were passed by it three times before we saw our first sunshine in Michigan. During our travels we spent time in Paducah, KY (home of Ellen's step-sister), Bay City, MI (Ellen's home town and where her father still lives), Charleston, WV and Cary, NC (two of my old stomping grounds), and Pensacola, FL (where my dad lives).

Ellen thought it was time to try and make a baby again and was pregnant a second time by mid-September. So far, so good.

Now it is a race against time to complete the building of our home before the baby is due in mid-June. We selected the general contractor and received funding approval just before Thanksgiving. So far, all we have to show is a slab with plumbing stubs protruding. But we're getting there.

Ellen is doing well in her first-grade school teaching. She is in her fifth year in the profession, and third year with the Channelview Independent School District.

It's hard to believe, but I am still with ARCO Chemical Company, after over ten years of service (read that four weeks of vacation). We are getting ready to startup a newly-constructed Butanediols plant early in 1990, and are gearing up for a second Propylene Oxide/Styrene plant to startup in 1991. Both plants will be at the Channelview site where I work, and promise to keep me busier than a rooster in a henhouse.

This Christmas will give us much to be thankful for. We hope that all had a great year and are happy and prosperous in the coming year. Ellen and I welcome visits, so if you're ever near Houston, just holler!

Mark, Ellen, Anthony, and Joseph


Our new mailing address for next year will be:

#6 Thornhill Oaks Drive

Houston, TX 77015


(713) 453-0625 (same as before)

E-mail addresses:

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